
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lush Fredericton

Fredericton was so lush! Green everywhere! Tulips were nearing the end of their bloom. Lilacs were just bursting out. Hostas were beautiful monsters.

They have lots of maple trees. We don't see many of those here. I love them. Several people told me how beautiful Fredericton is in the fall. When I lived in Ottawa many, many years ago I remember how blown away I was by the fall colours there. I always thought fall was beautiful but I had never seen a fall like that! In fact, I've never seen such spectacular autumn colours since. It's worth making a special trip, I think. And I think maples trees are the ticket to colour.

There were green oak trees and brown and red leaved ones, as well.

I don't know what these pink flowers are.

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