
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A New Project

How exciting that Kyle won the Kraft Celebration Tour!! Yeah, Kyle! And Yeah to all you voters. Thanks, Rhonda, for alerting me to the good news. I was impatiently checking all weekend and then on Monday got absorbed in work and it slipped my mind entirely! And thanks, too, for voting for Kyle, Rhonda, even though it's not your home town. I'm so happy for the community and it was fun to participate.

This bunch of lovely in the photo is intended to soon become the quilt pictured below! I'm letting go of my training wheels (Mom) and am going to tackle machine sewing on my very basic Singer ALL BY MYSELF!!. My goal is perfect quarter inch seams! If I can't manage it on this machine, a new, BETTER machine will be in order. I'm already scoping them out just in case. The pattern is a very simple one. Note that there are no matched seams. That was the prerequisite for my first "all by myselfer". Several of these fabrics are leftover pieces from Josh and Noelene's quilt.

I've decided to break free of white for the background fabric and am going with Kona Ash. It's the medium to light grey you see in the bottom left corner of the photo. Grey seems to be a popular trend in the quilting world. Well, I might be hitting the tail end of that trend. I had fully intended to use white but when I placed the ash colour by the fabrics, it really made the whites in the print fabrics pop and it toned down a bit (I think) the brighter colours.

Instead of the red pieces that separate the prints in the magazine version of the quilt, I'm going to use that almost solid green. It looks goldier in the photo than it really is.

Anyway, that's what I plan on working on next week. I'm very excited. And a little nervous!
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