
Monday, July 25, 2011

The Quilt Vacation Has Begun!

Remember this fabric?

Remember this quilt pattern?

Well ... look what's been happening! I cut everything up on Saturday and played with this lay out. I still have to cut 16 more rectangles to add an additional 2 rows but I'm waiting for a piece of fabric to arrive that I ordered a few weeks ago. I'm pretty sure it will match nicely with these fabrics so I'm going to wait before I start cutting into something else. There are also rows on either side of the width of what you see here but since I don't have a "design wall", I'm using our dining room table to lay them out and it's just not big enough.

I put the Kona Ash fabric underneath so I'd get a better idea of whether I like it or not for the sashing. I think it's going to be okay. I think it's better than the white or the dark grey I have as alternatives.

And since I'm now waiting for fabric to complete the cutting and lay out for this quilt, I've started cutting fabric for another! I'll show you.

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