
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blueberries, Sweetpeas, Quilts, and Staying Cancer-FREE!

Sunday turned out to be a non sewing day even though Kevin was still at the lake. I needed the day to think more about what I wanted to do with this baby quilt and, to tell you the truth, our house was a bit of a disaster and I really needed to do some tidying at the very least. And I also had a big ... and I mean BIG ... box of fresh picked wild northern blueberries (!!!!) that I needed to wash and freeze.

This is just one cookie sheet full of them and there were four more of these! Blue medicine. It's unlikely that organic northern blue berries and supplements and fibre and omegas, etc. will ensure that cancer won't return but I do think it increases my odds of staying cancer-free for longer and even if it just helps my sense of hope, it's worth it. One of the most difficult adjustments after finishing treatments ... and I wasn't prepared for this aspect of the ordeal ... is dealing with the constant spectre of cancer returning. Knowing it could be growing in your body just like the previous one and not knowing it's there. Just like Jack Layton's second cancer. The one that, sadly, took his life. Every little ache or pain takes on a new meaning and, unfortunately, I have more of them than I had before cancer and the ones I get now are sometimes the type I can't attribute to anything. They're mysterious. Like cancer. So ... if fresh, untainted berries (thanks Carl and Denise), and other things make me feel like I'm increasing my odds of living cancer free, it's a good thing. They're delicious, too.

Notice my sweetpeas? I DO love sweetpeas! This is the first year since I can't remember when that I actually have an abundance of them. Well, you can't have too many sweetpeas so by abundant, I mean enough to make me happy.

Kevin got back from a stellar fishing trip with "the guys" last night. He brought some lovely pickerel for the freezer.

Tonight I got the vertical sashing done on the baby quilt. I opted for three panels because four would be just too wide for a baby sized one. While I contemplated narrowing the stacks so that I could use 4, I dismissed that idea because there was no good way to narrow the fabric with the large critters. Thanks, everyone, for your ideas and suggestions. It was very helpful. I heard from Elizabeth, who wrote the instructions, and she said there was a mistake and that she would fix it. So if you want to use that tutorial, it should be correct now.Tomorrow night I hope to add the top and bottom borders and then the top will be done! YEAH! That means I have TWO quilt tops. The actual basting, quilting, and binding will be a whole new adventure.

Because I have my mind set on using flannel or Minkee (that REALLY soft fabric) on the back of the quilt, I won't use the extra panel there. I think I'll order a bit more of the same fabrics and make a second baby quilt.This design is stress free and suitable for my limitations.
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  1. Your experience about the aches and pains, and "is it the cancer returning" is just what my mother found too. The worry went away as time went on.

    I think your quilt looks fabulous and I'm glad you decided not to cut the strips any narrower. Minkee is a great backing, but I found the only way to quilt with it was to take it outside and spray baste the layers together - safety pins did not work as the stuff is so slippery. There I go again, sticking my nose in, sorry.

  2. Ah ha, see you already have a better eye than I do. . . I did not notice how you would lose too much of the large critters. Looks great!

  3. I get the aches and pains too but I think they are more from just being older and now menopausal. My mantra is "Its not coming back" that I repeat when those ugly thoughts creep in.

    Is that my Carl and Denise? I always wondered where you get those lovely berries. Do they pick them or buy them up here somewhere?

  4. Thanks for your comments, pals!

    I really appreciate the Minkee tips, Sue. I'll see if they have that spray at the store this week. I don't think I can machine quilt on my machine so I'll probably be hand quilting.

    Yes, Berny, I'm talking about YOUR Carl and Denise! Cool, huh?! Cecil and his family in La Ronge picked all the blueberries. Carl and Denise have previously brought me some and recently they bought me a bucket of Saskatoons for which I've been MOST grateful!


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