
Sunday, August 14, 2011

House Painting - Not For The Timid

We've been busy. Mostly with this house painting business. Scaffolding, ladders, steep roof pitches, cutting in, rolling, trim, cleaning brushes, rollers, and trays. We won't be doing this again. Next time we'll hire professionals. Crazy. I don't expect we'll get the whole house painted this year. If we can get the back (which is the most time consuming and complex) done and the sides (one side left), we'll be happy. Today even I was painting up on the roof and I must say I was moving VERY carefully and VERY slowly. I'm not sure I would have been comfortable up there before I lost the feeling in my feet and I certainly was a little uncertain now. Still, I'm pleased with myself that I was able to get up there and help a little. Kevin is crazy. He crawls around up there fearlessly. Luke, like his Mom, is not quite so comfortable making like a monkey.

Luke leaves for Kentucky early Tuesday morning. Sad me.

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