
Friday, August 19, 2011

Look What I'm Up To Now

I recently won this cute collection of Riley Blake fabrics from the online fabric shop The Intrepid Thread, which is operated by the lovely Julie! She has a very nice shop and I've been a follower of her blog for a long time. Through Julie a steady stream of new fabric visits my computer screen for me to ogle and sigh over.

I think these farmish fabrics will make a sweet baby quilt so that's what I'm hoping to tackle this weekend. I think I found a pattern that I can manage without TOO much precision so I can use my old sewing machine. Of course, I said that last time, too, didn't I? Only to learn that there are ALWAYS seams to be matched somewhere. But, with this pattern, I think they'll be even less so.

The pattern I'm going to try is called Sliced Coins and Elizabeth at Don't Call Me Betsy has a nice tutorial and some beautiful examples. Check it out. Doesn't that look relatively easy for me? While you're at Elizabeth's blog, take a look at her other finished quilts. They're beautiful! She's very good!
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1 comment:

  1. This fabric will be perfect for that design! Now...big deep breath! You can do it! Look forward to seeing the results!


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