
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pinterest! Not Just Fun. Useful, Too!

I know you've seen this before. It's the quilt top I completed last week on my "quilt vacation".

What I want to share, though, is how I've been shopping for backing fabric ... from home. It's not an exact science, of course, but it does give me some ideas to work with. Besides, the fabric photos are beautiful to look at and there are some I've "pinned" on this board that I'm actually less interested in as backing fabric and more for the front of another quilt in the same colour family using some of the leftover fabrics from this one. So much beautiful fabric ... so little time!

I've been using Pinterest to keep track of my favourite fabric options. I use it for keeping track of all kinds of quilting information. When I see a photo of a quilt I admire or fabric I like or a book I might want to read someday or a recipe I might want to make or ... or anything for that matter ... I pin it so I can easily find it later. It beats the heck out of bookmarks because it's visual. If you're not familiar with Pinterest, check out my board of possible backing fabric for this quilt.

Check out my Extreme Cuteness Board for some images that will surely warm your heart. And for some giggles and deep thoughts, check out my Gotta Laugh Gotta Think Board.
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  1. I'm finding Pinterest very useful too - basically for the reasons you suggest!

  2. I am late to the Pinterest craze! Just need to sit down and work out what its all about!


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