
Thursday, October 27, 2011

King Arthur - Saturday, Oct 29

I'm bumping this to the top.

I'm very disappointed that we have to miss this performance. I hadn't realized that it would only be on one night in Saskatoon and we've had plans in place for that night for quite some time. Rats!

Not only do I expect it to be an entertaining evening and exciting performance, our nephew, Mikael Steponchev, is part of the cast. He's quite the talented vocalist and is keeping up with his voice studies while attending his first year of University. His sister (and promotor), Alexa, tells us that Mikael is one of the 12 chorus members and one of the only basses.

Here's all you need to know to get tickets ...

* * * * * * *
Saskatoon Opera and the University of Saskatchewan Amati Quartet present Henry Purcell’s Baroque Opera Sung in English

King Arthur

Saturday, October 29, 2011
7:30 pm
Third Avenue United Church
Saskatoon, SK

"Enter a world of old magic and legends, romance and deception. Experience the seductive and enthralling beauty of this celebrated baroque opera."

For Tickets, call the Remai Arts Centre Box Office at 384-7727
or purchase tickets online here.
For more information, visit the Saskatoon Opera Website.

$30 Adult · $25 seniors · $15 students
Includes GST and box office fees
* * * * * * *
Regina Performance

Saturday, November 5, 2011, 7:30 pm
Knox Metropolitan United Church
Regina, SK

Tickets available from Cobb Swanson Music and Bach and Beyond

Above is Mikael performing at Don and Sylvia's 50th wedding anniversary in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Heather. King Arthur is part of the SC Allied Arts Council series this year, so we will be seeing/hearing it tomorrow night in Swift. I read the review of it in the Star-Phoenix last week and am quite looking forward to it.



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