
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dexter Is Here for Christmas!

We are SO happy to have a dog for Christmas, even if we don't get to keep him.  He's excellent company, does great tricks, and is well-behaved … provided we don't leave the bread or buns out on the counter when we go to bed.

He snuggles in bed with us and curls up on the couch to watche tv with us.

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  1. He is pretty cute! We have my daughter here with her "puggle" who is a lot smaller..but still pretty cute!

  2. Oh, I can't let Nikko see this picture of a DOG on the SOFA! He is a handsome fellow and looks as if he is enjoying his visit.

  3. Nope, can't see either bow or wreath, but he doesn't need to flash adornments, his smile is enough!

  4. Dexter looks like a very welcome guest!

  5. J'adore indeed! All that fur is bound to keep you snuggly warm!

  6. He is lovely! and his name is PERFECT! my favorite long since gone to heaven cat was named Dexter.


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