
Friday, September 25, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I deserve to be really tired tonight. I had a very full day.  See? I even baked cookies.  The first baking I've done since all of this nightmare began.  It's a new to me cookie recipe.  It calls for vanilla pudding.  Kevin says they're good.

I swept floors and tidied this and that around the house. I listened to loud music all day.  Music has always been important to me but I've hardly listened to music at all while I've been home going through chemo.  Rather than changing my mood, music typically just enhances the mood I'm already in, so today was a perfect music today.  I did a lot of singing.  We went to Avacado's for dinner tonight and Kevin's parents joined us.  Ron and Patty joined us for drinks (cranberry and soda for me).  Very nice to be OUT!!  

We then stopped in for a while at Katelyn's housewarming party.  She has a beautiful little home and it's so fashionably decorated and, of course, Katelyn is a charming hostess.  She learned a lot from her parents!  While there we also enjoyed seeing Avery, Daisy, Wendy, and Sandra.  Sadly, we had just missed Kayla and Gillian.  We didn't stay long because I was getting very tired and experiencing a little hearburn.  But it was all worth it.  
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  1. Hey Heather,
    Cookies were great and yes I did share them with my family, I am more generous than Ron would have been with them. Anyway, good to see you out and about. I wish I could of stayed longer. Good luck with your next chemo treatment! Take Care!
    Love Patty

  2. Hi Patty!

    I'm glad I got out that night, at least and I'm so glad you and Ron were able to join us so spontaneously. You know I'm always calling you "spontaneous Patty"!


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