
Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm Very Touched

This is what my neighbour's Mom, Pam, just dropped off for me.  She, herself, is a 5 year survivor and she participates in the annual relay for life in Regina. Every year the relay committee sends thank you cards to survivors and this year they sent stones carved with "hope" and asked that they be passed on to other recently diagnosed women as a sign of hope.  And Pam thought to pass hers and and this little gift package on to me, even though she hardly knows me at all.  How thoughtful of her. I'm very touched.  

I'll look forward to savouring these Bernard Callebaut pops when I grow my tastebuds back.  They're not to be wasted on a tasteless tongue.  

Thanks so much for the message of hope, Pam!
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