
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flying Without Wings

Since yesterday I've been flying without wings, meaning I'm no longer on prednisone, the "happy pill". Maybe I really have been "inappropriately happy" for the past couple of weeks. We'll see if I become a whiney, grumpy bum now that I'm drug-free. For now I'm just tired, but that could be because of my busy social schedule the past few days. Today will be a slow day. A home day. A quiet day.

Last night was fun! We went to a Rotary Club fundraising event as guests of Ron and Patty, along with Lou, Neil, Glenna and Dave. I knew Ron was a motor mouth but now it all makes sense! I didn't know he was also a real, live auctioneer! COOL! The meal was great, there were some super items and events to bid on, raising much moola for the Rotary Club's charitable works, and ... best of all ... the company was fabulous!

The photo is of my clematis, which still looks so pretty even after the snow and frost. Sorry about taking the picture into the sun but I didn't have much choice. Maybe I can get a better one today.

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