
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yard Bird

Here's Kevin pretending he just cut off his finger while cutting back plants and preparing the yard for winter. Isn't he funny?!

Last night was a social night and a nice time at the Scorpions Lacrosse Fall Banquet. The boys made such good speeches. A lot of thought was put into them and there was much appreciation expressed to the coaching staff without whom there would be no field lacrosse program in Saskatchewan and who have given many boys opportunities they could never have otherwise realized. Our Luke, for one.

Today Carol took me for breakfast to the Broadway Cafe and ... what an amazing surprise ... she arranged a whole parade to go by for me with marching bands, bagpipes, people waving, slow moving cars with banners ... the whole shebang! She claims to have had nothing to do without it, but she's modest that way. I know it was her. And the parade was just for me. It's so like her! And thanks, Ross, for the hand-picked tomatoes. I'll make something healthy with them.

Tonight, this social butterfly and my 9-fingered husband have been invited to a dinner at TCU Place by the Loopkeys, who are hosting a table at charity event. It's a dressy affair and I just hope I have something dressy to fit over my steroid plumped and puffy body. I don't think my yoga pants will be appropriate. And I don't have a moo-moo. I have a very big pashmina and will just have to find something as a base. Hmmmm ... stepping outside my bubble isn't so easy anymore. Still, it will be nice to be out.

I feel like I'm joining the land of the living. We'll see if I still feel that way after a day without prednisone.
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