
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hannah is Home!

Which means time for a feast!

Hannah flew in from New York on Sunday night. It's wonderful to have her home again. We get to have her here for 2 whole weeks! It's already going too fast. She and Luke will both leave at exactly the same time ... on August 15th. I am going to be a little blue for a while after that. Just a little. It will be a little shock to the system to have our home feel so empty all at once. But we won't think about that now. We'll just enjoy having them both here.

Hannah loves to cook and she really cares about what she puts in her body, so a large part of the fun of having her home is to cook together. We walked to Broadway on Monday and poked around the Fringe for a while before picking up some groceries to carry home. Hannah and I baked during the day and then, after Kevin and Luke were home from lacrosse try-outs, we set to cooking dinner.

Hannah husked corn.  Kevin cooked some freshly caught pickeral on the barbeque. Lots of lemon.  And then we had a rustic plum tart (with port) for dessert. Lovely! Rustic.
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