
Friday, July 1, 2011

Delta, BC - Bunny Haven

We got to Delta (a Vancouver burb - near the Ferry terminal) early on Saturday (June 25) for Luke's game just in case we had trouble finding the arena. Luke was on his way over on the ferry from Victoria with the team. We were pretty excited about seeing him. It's a parent thing.

The parking lot of the arena was pretty interesting to hang out at because there were bunnies EVERYWHERE!

They were even under our parked car in the parking lot ... off the grass. We could watch them up close and personal. There was a lot of chewing grass (or clover) happening. Lots of twitchy noses. They were all colours and sizes. Near the Arena building was some landscaping that was full of bunnies and, I imagine, bunny holes. Cuteness! I saw more bunnies in this one location than I've ever seen at the University of Victoria ... which I've only visited twice, mind you.

When we did see Luke, I did not whip out the camera because I'm sure he would have turned around and got back on the bus. I have to trap him on ... say ... a boat ... to get photos or take them furtively, which is my usual tactic. Too bad he has to wear a helmet during lacrosse. KIDDING!! As I've said before, I don't have the camera or the camera skills to get good indoor lacrosse photos. So below there's one (of many I took) of my blurry boy. A photo only a mother can love.

By the way ... check out what the fine women of Delta wear to lacrosse games. I'd say they're doing their part to elevate the game from it's blue collar reputation! Thank you Moms and Grandmoms of Delta. I wonder what they wear to the symphony!

After the game, Luke and Karsen came with us back to Vancouver, though they weren't able to stay overnight with us. It's a team thing and we're familiar with that.

We picked Hannah up from work and she directed us to Matt's place where he had arranged a little party for all of us and some of their friends. It was SO NICE! Nice place, fine eats and drinks, and especially fine company. Luke and Karsen had to take a cab all the way back to Delta ... for the cost of a flight!
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