
Friday, July 1, 2011

Our First Day In Vancouver

We arrived in Vancouver early in the afternoon on Friday, June 24. We picked up Hannah and headed straight for the beach ... one in Kitsilano not far from Aphrodite's where Hannah works. We had a couple of hours before Hannah needed to be at work and on such a beautiful day the beach is the place to be. It was heavenly and the sand and water felt fabulous under foot. Since I walk so slowly, almost all my beach photos are of Hannah's and Kevin's backs.

Kevin and I went to Aphrodite's that evening for dinner and we had the best waiter in the place! Our meal really was delicious. Loved it! And there's a level of comfort I feel ... peace of mind ... knowing that everything I'm being served is local and organic. It makes such a difference. I'm not kidding when I say that alone, for me, would be reason enough for me to live in Vancouver. Organic and local options are relatively easy to come by and with considerable selection.
We even had organic beer. Kevin has since found it here.

Aside from just being a very popular restaurant, Aphrodite's is famous for their organic pies. Mmmmmm .... pie ... I had blueberry and Kevin had chocolate banana cream pie. Mmmmm ... pie ....

A special shout out to Kyle who took care of our bill because we're Hannah's parents. That was very kind of him. We left an especially large tip for our waiter. *wink wink*

After dinner Kevin and strolled along 4th Avenue for a ways before returning to the car where ... get this ... we NAPPED ... until Hannah got off work at 10:30. NAPPED! I hate napping, but we were both so whipped! When Hannah was good to go, we picked up Matt and met up with some of their friends for drinks at the Reef on Commercial Drive.

And then back to Hannah's Bed and Breakfast that she fixed up so nicely for us. Flowers for me and Perroni beer for Kevin. What a sweet girl. She stayed at Matt's place a few blocks away while we stayed in her apartment.

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