
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kayla's Bridal Shower

What a fun event hosted by Mike's Mom and sister, who are obviously event planners on the side!

It's always great to see "the girls". Here are Kayla, Gillian, Marissa, and Katelyn. All friends from school days. I wish Hannah had been here for the fun, too.

The whale cake was SO COOL and very beautifully created. Kayla has had a deep interest in whales for as long as I've known her so it was the theme of the party. There was a sweet candy bar (you can see some of it in the background, at which you could fill your own little commemorative jars with blue whales, jelly fishes, personalized wedding smarties, and a host of other candies. Cute.

Hannah and I gave Kayla a wooden salad bowl with wooden salad fork and spoon. Kevin and I got one as a wedding gift oh so many moons ago and we still use it all the time. It's developed a nice, rich patina over the years. I hope this one becomes a kitchen staple for Kayla and Mike, too.

Gillian gave Kayla this collection of framed photos of "the girls". Cute! Hannah is at the far right in the photo of the foursome at the bottom where they're owning the halls of Aden Bowman and looking like "The Mod Squad".

Gillian's Mom and I laughed ourselves silly at the card Gillian gave Kayla.

Mike's Mom and sister were such fun hosts and are truly lovely. Kevin and I are so looking forward to the upcoming nuptials and the good time we'll have with everyone at the wedding. And it will be so nice to have Hannah home for a few days, too.

Gillian, if you see this send me your email address so I can send you some photos.

Berny, if you see this, I was reminded of our connection through Kayla's Mom and how I was to meet you both for lunch that day at Alexander's and then I didn't show up because despite having been reminded of the correct date several times I kept having chemo brain farts and could not for the life of me keep the day straight even with a calendar! I'm happy to say that things have improved since then ... a bit.
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  1. Well we will just have to plan another lunch date soon! :)

  2. Uh-oh! This means I have to hide all the funny pictures of me from my best friend. She is definitely going to do something like this on my bridal shower too. She was talking about looking for rental spaces for parties for the pre-wedding parties. This was a fun post, congratulations to the gorgeous bride to be.


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