
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fabric Junkie

I didn't just buy backing fabric at Periwinkle's at their anniversary event on Thursday night. Fat quarters were on sale so I had to buy some. I have resisted for what feels like a long time this blue/red/grey/pink pile of Sherbet Pips cuteness but now that I've made and mastered (perhaps not the correct term) a baby sized quilt top and there will surely be more babies I'll want to gift with something. Easy justification.

And then I bought this bunch of fat quarters for no other reason but that I liked them at that moment. I only bought the whitish one with the coral dahlia because it appeared to match one of the others. That was the only one I bought for matching purposes, though. But when I spread them out I decided that most of them could work together. Hmmm ... I have yet to mix them in with the fabric I already have to see if there are any other happy happenstances.

I have not got round to sandwiching those baby quilts yet even though I'm eager to get at it. There's too much to do. Friday night we got together with Gerry, who is visiting from Vegas, and some other mutual friends. He was leaving the next day. As it happened, we were on the deck at Original Joe's on the Friday of Cruise Weekend so we watched were in a prime cool car watching spot. Gerry has his own very cool car, which he let Kevin drive. And then my brother, Jim, came along with this precision restored, cherry red (SUPER shiny) with cream interior 1957 T-Bird convertible. It's so pretty. I would have taken a picture to show it off but it was dark and my itty bitty flash wouldn't have done it justice.

Two drinks kind of wasted me for most of Saturday. I did run out and get a shower gift for our Kayla. We've been looking forward to this wedding for the better part of a year ... or longer. Hannah will be home for the wedding in October. Something else to look forward to.

Last night we had a special event to attend. A retirement banquet and party for Captain Ken. It was nice to see so many SARCAN people and all of Ken's towering family there for the special event. Lots of stories recanted ... memories ... fun times ... crazy times ... and the amazing growth and success of SARCAN. No drinks for me last night. I find that even one drink can leave me useless for the whole following day.

Last night Pat and Jo , with their combined wealth of quilting experience, provided me with some MOST valuable quilting tips for using the Minkee fabric. I'm so glad I talked to them before I started. I feel a little more confident about working with this fabric that can be reportedly slippery and messy. It's just so dang soft and cuddly. I have to try it, at least. 

Today ... too much needs to be done to play with fabric. Sadly.
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  1. Love love love your fabrics!!

  2. You've obviously got a great eye for fabrics. The ones you chose are lovely and work beautifully together.

  3. fun fabrics!!! fun fun fun!! I love it when I buy some fat quarters just because they were there and I wanted them! I do attempt to hold myself back from that most of the time, but there are times when fabric therapy is the ony thing that will do!

  4. Thanks, quilting pals, for sharing some fabric love with me. *sigh*


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