
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Time To Make A Sandwich

A QUILT sandwich!

I got the necessary ingredients tonight at Periwinkle (the quilt shop at Grosvenor Park Mall on 8th Street) during their anniversary open house. It was quite fun to be there. Lots of staff to help and offer expert opinions, tips, and encouragement for which I'm most grateful. Lots of quilters shopping and snacking, coming and going.

So this is the Minkee fabrics I chose. It's super soft. I mean SUPER soft. Very cuddly. And I think both colours are a great match with the Farm Fresh fabric. The green Minkee fabric looks quite true in the photo but the deep coral Minkee looks brighter than it really is. I got batting ... the white bundle at the top of the photo, some basting spray, which was recommended for keeping the slippery back of the Minkee fabric in place for quilting. I got perle cotton threads to hand quilt with. The green thread looks much darker in the photo than it really is. I got a cream coloured thread, too, just to give me some options on both quilts.

So there. All the ingredients for a quilt sandwich. Now I just have to make it. Maybe Saturday I can get one sandwiched and partially stitched. Oh, I hope, I hope, I HOPE I don't run into any difficulties. I really want this quilt making thing to be a real GOOD experience all round.

By the way. About my garden strawberries. Lately when I go to pick the ripe ones, they often have holes eaten through them. Someone told me that birds will try to get the strawberries before me so I assumed that's what was happening. Today when I reached to pick a ripe one at lunch time I got the strawberry AND a big, old wasp. Right in my hand! I didn't get stung but I dropped them both like a hot potato! Then I more carefully lifted some leaves and looked before reaching. Lo and behold under the leaves there were wasps crawling all over the place. They eat holes right through the strawberries! Damn wasps!

On the good news front, I had my first dental check-up and cleaning since just before I had chemo. I was quite worried about the state of my teeth and I still carry with me some horrific memories of that abscess tooth issue I had in spring after I finished treatments. The one that had me on heavy doses of morphine for a week as I went back and forth between doctors and the dentist before they figured out it really was an abscess. Anyway ... the cleaning went well. The hygienist was very gentle and pleasant. And best of all, I have no cavities or pressing dental issues. My dentist remarked that she is surprised that my teeth and gums came out of my experience in as good a shape as they have. Yeah!
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  1. Your sandwiches are going to look delicious. I just love the colours you chose for the backings.

  2. Thanks, Sue. I'm feeling mighty pleased with myself at this point, too. Let's hope the rest of the quilt process goes as smoothly.

  3. So o o cute. There's some lucky babies out there!


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