
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chantelle and Brett. Married!

We have had a rich year in terms of weddings! After years of nothing, this year ... THREE!! We've loved them all. We haven't danced so much in years!

Chantelle and Brett's wedding was just before we left for Halifax and it was an awesome good time! It was also a beautiful and touching wedding ceremony in a bright church on a beautiful day! I thought the oranges and yellows with the grey were very pretty. But not as pretty as Chantelle! Isn't she beautiful?

Ron and Patty, the proud parents of the bride. They wanted everyone to have a really good time and, believe me, we did!

Matty is one of Luke's best buds! They've played hockey and lacrosse together over the years. In fact Hannah's bedroom is often dubbed, "Matty's Room" or "Arden's Room" ... depending. Here he is, a handsome brother of the bride with his lovely girlfriend, Julia.

And we danced. And danced! And DANCED!

Christopher and Matty, brothers of the bride. Pretty much danced out by this point, I think. If that's possible.

And here's my best photo of the wedding party. It's a little hazy because of the bright light streaming through the windows at the front of the church. That's okay. All that light was beautiful.
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