
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Forever Gratitude ... You are all my Heroes!

I give thanks for friends and family who have really given me strength, support, care, help, and hope ... and fun and laughs ... over the past couple of years. You can never really know the difference you've made to me.

It was 2 years ago on October 3 that I had my last chemo treatment. It doesn't feel so long ago. And I wish my lousy memory would make it a fading memory. It's still all a little too fresh for my liking. And while I wish I wasn't still so tired, and that my joints felt normal again, and that I could feel my toes, and that my feet didn't hurt, and that my shoulders worked normally again, and that my memory wasn't eaten up, and that my left boob wasn't mangled, and that I had proper eyebrows and hair again, and that I didn't have the fear of cancer returning hanging over my head ... while all that is a bit of a drag (quite a litany, I know, but I'm not whining) ... mostly I'm happy to be here and I'm grateful that my quality of life is really very good, especially compared to when I was having those really awful side effects from the drug I took after chemo (that being Arimidex). I'm grateful for the friends and family who have seen me through my worst of days, and for the hopes and prayers of people I don't even know.

This year I couldn't fit the "Walk for the Cure" into my schedule. Kayla and Mike's wedding was the day before and I chose to dance the night away, which meant I would need to sleep in. I had a fleeting thought that I might do an in-person registration if I woke up in time but I pretty much knew that wouldn't happen. Hannah said she'd go with me if I thought I could swing it but, what I hadn't counted on was how sore the bottoms of my feet would be after being on them so much the night before. I couldn't have walked very far even if I had woken up in time. My feet needed a little more recovery time. Next year. The whole way.

Luke has done the Run for the Cure for the past two years in Louisville, Kentucky with the rest of his lacrosse team and this year they played at a fall ball tournament in Ohio to raise money for breast cancer research. He told me about the woman who spoke and I could tell he was touched by her story. It would surely resonate with him after his seeing his own Mom go through that grief.

Two years ago when I had only just had my last chemo treatment and wasn't in any shape for walking or even staying awake, my Splurge Pals and so many other family and friends walked the "Walk for the Cure" for me. I was so touched and honoured. I still am. I still feel that all the time. And I also appreciate so much the many people who sponsored both me and the many people who walked for and with me. Money raised will, I hope, eventually lead to some real breakthroughs. Last year most of those same people walked WITH me. We only did the "half walk" but for me it felt triumphant. Next year ... ALL THE WAY! And maybe someday ... the whole way ... IN PEGGY'S KILLER BOOTS! Okay, maybe not ever that. 

This year, though, my sweet friend Norma, her husband Foster and their friend, Krista, walked the walk in Regina. They walk for other people who have been impacted by cancer but I know they walk for me, too. Norma sent me the above photo of Foster and Krista. I can't thank them enough ... for me and for everyone. Foster looks so great in pink, don't ya think?!
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1 comment:

  1. You got some nice photos of our family. I am so glad you had fun!


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