
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Effectiveness Of Estrogen-Blocking Drugs In Breast Cancer Confirmed By PET Scans

This is an interesting new study in which PET scans were used to determine the effectiveness of estrogen BLOCKING drugs (Tamoxifen that I'm on now) versus estrogen DEPLETING drugs (aromatase inhibitors such as the Arimidex I was on that caused me such awful joint problems). It appears to be suggesting that Tamoxifen is superior, which (if true) will be great comfort to the many women, myself included, who have been unable to tolerate the aromatase inhibitors. I was told that for post-menopausal women (breast cancer treatments MADE me post-menopausal - prior to diagnosis I was pre-menopausal) aromatase inhibitors are more effective. Is it any wonder I'm often confused?

The Effectiveness Of Estrogen-Blocking Drugs In Breast Cancer Confirmed By PET Scans:

PET scans, taken before, during and after hormonal therapy, confirmed the superior effectiveness of estrogen-receptor-blocking drugs such as tamoxifen and fulvestrant over estrogen-depleting therapies such as aromatase inhibitors in blocking the estrogen receptor in cancer cells. The study also confirmed that tamoxifen is superior to fulvestrant in blocking estrogen.
Read more about the study at the link above.

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