
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time for Fun

I'm going to pack in some fun before I start chemo next Wednesday. Last weekend I had a great time with my splurge club. The weekend before that, Bonnie, Deb, Carrie, Karen, Carol and I jumped in Bonnie's van and spent a lovely spa-weekend in Moose Jaw. This Friday, Carol (aka: Martha) and I will be rockin' out with Fleetwood Mac and on Saturday I'm road-tripping with Erin to her cabin at Emerald Lake where Laurie from one of my book clubs will join us. I think Gail, who skipped a short-lived venture into recreational curling, will be there, too. Girl's weekends! Good times!

I really regret that I wasn't able to get to recent book club meetings. Those women feed my soul, too.

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