
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Feet!

Bonnie! Oh, man, she made me laugh this week! Hannah was leaving the house to pick up a few things and she found, on our front step, a gift bag. Curious!

On top was a card with a big old polar bear on the front. Bonnie had written, "When you find yourself looking down - put on some "happy bear feet" and you'll feel like looking up again!". And there, inside were "bear feet" and some "sexy socks". Personally, I don't think you can say "sexy socks" and "kankles" (such as I have) in the same sentence, but whatever ... at least they're funny!

These bear slippers are ones Bonnie and I found together when we were looking for some silly gifts for our splurge club Christmas party a few years ago. When Bonnie found these, we had such a good time with them before the party. We wore them around the office with our skirts. We pirouetted, grand jeted, twirled, and had a good, old laugh-a-minute silly time with them. I think there are even photos somewhere.

Anyway, Bonnie ended up with them herself at the Christmas party and she has thoroughly enjoyed them and tormented her family with them. And she so thoughtfully sent them to me for fun.

Kevin says, "If you can't have hair on your head, at least you can have hair on your feet"! Hmmmm ... Do you think he's calling me a Hobbit? I kind of always wanted to be a hobbit. I have the legs for it. Now I have the feet!

Bonnie, you're a funny girl. And you make GREAT LASAGNA, too! If your boys are getting tired of your lasagna, you just remind them that we'll gladly take it off their hands. Any day! Thanks, Bonnie!

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